Saturday, January 20, 2007

1 Week DC free

Now those of you who know me well, are painfully aware that I have a horrendous addiction to Diet Coke. It was comparable to oxygen for me. Every so often I will go on a cleanse, a strike, a drought...whatever you want to call it. Usually it's cold turkey, down from my 8-12 cans a day to NOTHING. This time it's a tad different...I am drinking only water, and one glass of milk every day. Alcohol doesn't count. We shall see how it goes. I am not entirely sure if it has been made easier because I was on vacation this week, but we will test that this coming Monday. DC can be compared to my nit fix I suppose...a stress relief, comfort zone. Out of 8 days, I have managed to only have 2 migraines, dared once to tread the realm of ice cream (which always requires an epilogue of the liquid drug/gold), humbly ordered 'ice water' at numerous restaurants instead of asking 'do you have Coke products?' and stared the case in the fridge square on that taunts me by the hours...but I have made it. Wish me luck as my minor struggle continues.



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