Friday, June 12, 2009

Dis Connect

Why this constant need to always be connected? We’ve emerged into a world where without access to a cellular phone and its texting or googling capabilities for mere minutes, it’s as though one might just self-destruct. My favourite are the drivers. Swerving, laughing, perpetual head down pounding away at that minuscule keypad as if not waiting until the next stop will be apocalyptical. The next blackberry is a must have; because, well, it texts that much faster! It seems that these mobile interactions when set in a public area MUST be set a decibels 5 times higher than normal or necessary…laughable really. Take a good listen to one of these conversations one day, where albeit you only have the distinct pleasure of hearing just one end of it; I guarantee it will seem ludicrous. Nonsensical. Shallow. I guess we sometimes all need a time waster. In the same way to me that it seems these participants are trying to prove that Gawd forbid they never spend time alone, it also seems that they might be the first to scoff and gasp that anyone who would possibly entertain the realm of dining at a restaurant or going to watch a movie on their own are absolutely insane. I get it, we all want to be assured we have contact with another being, sometimes for those with bluetooth permanently attached to lobe, or fanatics addicted to twitter, it seems a little extreme. You don't even want me to get started on ranting about Twitter. And answer me this...why is it that whenever you look over at a truck driver when on the highway, he/she makes eye contact with you? I know it's a lonely time on the road during those long hours, but come want to be in contact with everybody? Donating blood is one of the most generous things that the general public can do, and as well groundbreaking innovation that the medical world has come up with as far as I am concerned. I'll never do it. Not because I'm a Jehovah's Witness. I just don't like needles, or people really. However, I understand the compassion, the empathy, the wanting to help. The 'what if it were me' scenario...the list goes on. I was woken up in a panic one night not too long ago because I had dreamt I was O negative blood type. Do those that have this universal serum feel an extra social responsibility to donate? At the end of the day it is truly an ultimate human connection that we can literally share between ourselves. A connection and ability of amazing proportions really. I still won't be rushing over to the local shopping mall to be poked and pumped just to get a wee package of peek freans any time soon though.



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