Friday, April 02, 2010

Like Wise

It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes all kinds to make the world go round, or something to that tune. In the village that I have been exposed or dare I say susceptible to in the 3 decades of my presence around these parts there have been few humans I've actually liked. Whether it be on first impression, or 'grown to'. I generally can read an aura...or think I can. We'll revisit this soon. But back to the people I have liked. I don't mean in a 'ya, it was nice to meet him, he seems nice' kinda like, but a genuine 'she has a great energy and I want to spend a great deal of time with her' way. This is not on the verge of or close to love, the one where you delegate carefully and specifically to your partner or family. Liking is difficult, get my point? The ones who find themselves surrounding you while drunk both profusely and obnoxiously claiming 'i love you man' do not count. There's a good chance I would probably say that to Hitler or Lizzie Borden had I been given the opportunity while in this circumstance. I really liked my grade 6 teacher. Had it been appropriate I would likely still be in touch with her to this day. And I don't mean in an every-so-often email or Christmas card sorta way. I mean as friends. On the flip side there is a co-worker of mine who while it seems only clear to me, is so incredibly ornery that it's annoying. The negativity is something that can be handled, is sometimes even funny or endearing in a lot of people; but her. Nope. Can't stand her. Alas, she's got her spot in pushing the globe in circles. What disappoints me is that my aura reading betrayed me on that particular specimen. Usually with my initial glance at a person's all around cloud, then a moment similar to a quick snap of a finger or crossing over of arms and tapping of head like the genie chick in the 60's sitcom I am able to sort those into dirty or good for my inner rolodex. It's a very very complex process if you haven't already noticed. I don't expect everyone or anyone to subscribe to my method or my belief. Nor do I think or want everyone to like me; that's only fair. It's true that I care little for children, and while not an argument, am cognizant that there were elders in the village who didn't like me while my raising was being done. Now that we're all adults, maybe the like factor has changed? But not that it matters to me, I think.



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