Thursday, September 24, 2009

The One That Got Away?

I've never liked the cliche sayings of 'No Regrets' or 'Happens for a Reason'; lest we forget the extreme over usage of the very inclination of FATE. I find it super easy to turn to look over my shoulder backwards into the last 20 years or so and see so many missed opportunities. I was going to title this particular entry simply 'Missed Opportunities' until upon discussing with an acquaintance of mine the intention and content that I planned to include, she related it more to the syndrome of 'the one that got away'. Now while my original direction certainly didn't have any romantic, lustful, soul mate-esque relation that one usually conjures up as a link to this 'got away' image, I suppose it can all end up in the same realm. Especially to those that are either boy crazy like my said acquaintance, or those who feel that a monogamous relationship is the pinnacle of happiness. I had a psychic reading early this week and while the next couple of entries that I make will likely have references to my particular visit with her, I can remember a question my friend asked as we were leaving the Medium's home. We had heard that you shouldn't have a reading twice within 6 months. The answer to this was that instead, you should see a psychic when you need something answered. Where was she for all those occasions years, decades, etc. ago when given a fork in the road; I wasn't sure which path to choose? I'm pretty certain the majority; most if not all have been a disastrous course. Most of my roadblocks have been mistakes made concerning education. What if I went to choir school? What If I was more focused in high school? How would it have played out if I went to College first? If only I chose this major instead? What if I lived off campus? If only I saved some money? The 'If I Knew Then What I Know Now' rationale is effervescent. Don't try and tell me it's never too late, or you're still young. That gets zero credibility. Alternatively I do understand that there is a sequence in the ripples flowing across the pond of life and how each affects the other. Some are planned or easy to dictate; most are not. I like regrets. They make me think. They make me wonder. Thus I shall continue on my marathon of life. Every so often there's a hand out offering refreshments along my journey. This I can tell you, I won't be letting them get away.



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