Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things That Make Us Tick

Okay, so not literally. I'm not referring to a turrets like notion. Not even an OCD intricacy. That, like schizo, gay or retarded that are serious terms way over-used in a negative and incorrect connotation, and it bugs me. Alright, so onto things that bug me. I consider myself a pretty easy going human being, one might say docile, most often soft spoken and really quite agreeable; maybe even to a fault where sometimes it's impossible to get a decision out of me. But sure, certain things irritate the crap outta me. I can't stand the sound of a closing door. It's not the pending finality that the shutting might represent nor is it the darkness and blocking in that might conjure up a claustrophobic relativity. I just can't stand the sound. It wakes me up in the morning, it interrupts conversation, it's irritating. Done deal. So not only will you never see me slam a door (for effect, out of rage, whatever) but alternatively I usually hold the handle and turn as the door meets casing. It's not OCD...I promise. I hate emoticons and LOL in online speech. I will never understand why people hang doodads from their rear-view mirrors. Lisps. I can barely stand to talk to one of my co-workers who has a really unfortunate one. When I was discussing writing this blog with an acquaintance she said that 'stupid' people bugged her. Explaining that Canadians who didn't know that the correct pronunciation was luf-tenant governor as opposed to loo-tenant governor bugged her. I gave a blank stare cause; well not only did I not know it was pronounced luf, but I also haven't a sweet clue who the dude/chic is. Oh Dear. I'm thankful that I don't let these things irritate me to the point of inducing high blood pressure or ridiculous fits of outright humiliating expressiveness. Is this possibly where anxiety disorders can start? Tick tock tick tock.



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