Friday, September 07, 2012

Well Punctuated

When I take an hour or two to sit down and write one of my little note/blog thingers here, I purposely try and do so in a way that upon reading, it sounds as if you can picture me having a conversation in front of you. I get a lot of feedback that the existence of zero paragraphs is a bit frustrating. I myself think I use way too many dot dot dot's (...) and colons, semi-colons, etc in the wrong places, but I'm not a well educated guy and don't know when or where they are supposed to be placed. I use them where I want the reader to take a moment to think, maybe have a wee chuckle or lift up their jaw cause I have delivered TMI, non-pc anecdotes or head shaking ridiculousness. You're welcome. When I text with friends, strangers...whoever, I tend to and have always used a lot of exclamation points. I guess because I want to make a point (pun intended I suppose) or to make for an affirmative ending to my statement or sentence? When one friend and I compared our mutual adoration for usage of the ! in our text message habits, it made for inspiration of this entry's title when he called me 'well punctuated', ha! I can remember recently that within 3 days I was told virtually by 2 different people that I was a treat to chat with because I am 'well spoken'...I'll take it. Regardless, this format I feel allows me to reach more closely (albeit slightly one sided) with a lot of you who I don't get to see, converse or communicate with often or at all. Let's face it, social media, dating or chat sites, etc are all directing us on a path of correspondence we nor the habitants of decades before us are used to. That being said, many of you know that I take a bit of a hiatus in the summer months from writing because the ever so tedious and time consuming activity of bronzing my body takes much of the daylight hours; and patios, friends and road trips eat up the rest of the time...literally. Autumn is here, back to regularly scheduled programming. Smile. This language, if you will that I have adopted to unload my personal thoughts, rants, experiences and what have you gives me a chance to share, to sometimes reflect and be vulnerable, even to release...cause sometimes it's easier to dish out in letters lined up in a row than it might be to verbalize. Just this week over a steak dinner and glass of my favourite wine a good friend told me that her last visit to a psychic instructed her to write her goals, expectations, prophecies and the like down onto paper and they should come about. By golly, they did! Now that's impressive! This unwritten language of 'twinspeak' that we always hear about between those who have shared a single womb has always fascinated us unibabies. Are we jealous, are we intrigued, are we judging them cause let's face it, the movie Nell freaked us out. I wish I had the discipline or nerve to speak in rhyme. Do you remember Muffy Mouse on Today's Special said everything just so. I thought it was brilliant. Ok, maybe because I was not yet in the realm of age range close to double digits when I watched the show, but meh, it was clever dammit. I clearly was not much smarter when it came around to my last OAC year of high school when I proposed to my English teacher that my independent study project would be comparing the usage of language within/between George Orwell's classics Animal Farm and 1984. I did not do well. Again, not exactly a smart dude this Kevin is. Having the great fortune of being raised in an advanced, accepting, colourful city like Toronto has meant being surrounded by languages from across the globe all the while not being phased, bothered, offended one bit by the sounds you hear being thrown across aisles on public transit, in city parks or at festivals. It's just the way it is. Now I ain't gonna lie, I hear Hebrew or languages like Farsi and can't help feel sorry for the natives. It sounds so painful with the dry huskiness sound at the back of the throat that has to be made to annunciate some of the verbiage. The rolling r's in Spanish, Portuguese or whatever other languages call for such acrobatics with the tongue, does that get sore? I don't think I could manage. And I have a long, flexible organ...just sayin'. The irony is that when I was putting this together and texting a good friend at the same time she asked what the topic du jour would be, i said 'language'. She asked...which one? it like, body? (I could see the fright even in text...she gets freaked out a wee bit when I give her 101's on anatomy, dealings, or send questionable pics to her bb) Body! Ha! No no, that's on the other unauthorized access blog classified under letter X only. Ok, maybe 3 of them in a row. So no, for today it's purely G rated appropriate thoughts on language across the board, how I write in my own version, and while not always educated, groomed or mannered, certainly well punctuated!!! Toodles


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