Sunday, May 02, 2010

What I've Learned From My Mother

When observing animals in the wild we often see that the mothers lead by example when teaching their young. It's judgement triggered by instinct and quite naturally, an ultimate goal of seeing their offspring safe and strong into adulthood. My own mother is a good woman. Honest, uncomplicated and in a middle class, church going, family value instilling kinda way - normal. Sure, she may use profanity upon stubbing a toe, or tend to have a lead foot while driving and can get away with it, even tell a white lie here and there to ensure feelings are hurt as little as possible - but that's all normal one would surely agree. What I would like to share are a few things I can recall that I have learned from my mother: mostly clever, unorthodox or truly laughable (all in a good way). When I was a boy Mum always made clear to me that I must look out for myself. If anyone ever tried to start a fight with me that included a hit, punch, scrap - whatever; I MUST hit back! Don't worry about getting in trouble by the adults in charge; just hit back! Luckily I can say that between my size, gentle manor and good sense I have never in my life been in this situation - but it was good to know she had given the green light in advance. None of this 'turn the other cheek' garbage. At the same time she has always said that in a 'sticks & stones' kinda way, it's okay if you're being talked about negatively; blatant or behind backs, as this at least is keeping the attention off someone else who may not be able to handle it otherwise. If they're talking about you, they're leaving someone else alone. Whether it be happenstance or not, I have learned from her that there is no other relationship like that of which you will have with a sister. We both have great bonds with ours, and should consider ourselves lucky - to have the opportunity and to be proud that we can keep them this way. Mum loves the highway. She will almost go out of the way to be on one - a single exit on the freeway avoids many a stop-light! Nail polish remover can solve the desired disappearance of ANYTHING! If it's sticky, stubborn and/or unwanted - not to worry; she's got the liquid cure! At the same time; vinegar must ALWAYS be applied to the entire surface of a fast food restaurants table prior to dining. Vinegar stands a shy second to nail polish remover on the Olympic podium of cleaning agents in Mum's book. These are just a handful that I am recalling just now to have taken in over my 30 years. Of course there are hundreds more, and almost as many that harmlessly annoy the bejeezus out of myself and my family. Regardless, we are fortunate to have these to remember for passing along, or ensuring don't get repeated - whatever the case may be.



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