Sunday, December 30, 2012

Cup of Sugar?

There is apparently a very popular Australian soap opera with the single word title 'Neighbours' that I hear a lot about now that we have an onslaught of actors from that nation filling our magazines where I read their bio's. Seems everyone gets their start on that show down under. Very simple show name, like our North American gem 'Friends'. A single word that can go many ways with characters to be intertwined and stories to be told. Much like this following post on my thoughts du jour. Not that long ago I was in the backyard here at home and heard the lady next door calling her dogs to come inside. Now I'll be honest I don't really pay much attention to my neighbours or attempt to get to to know them very well...I exchange pleasantries if I'm spoken to or acknowledge with a wave if I accidentally make eye contact while we're mutually getting into each others cars, etc. but ultimately you respect my space, privacy, and perhaps ask to borrow a hedge trimmer or correct wrongly delivered mail once in a while and let's call our relationship a good one, alright? Great! Now their dogs are funny looking. I who happen to be fairly educated on dogs knew their cross the second they moved in about 4 or 5 years ago. Picture a caramel coloured twin set of curious, solidly built little canines about as high as your knee...flat snout and coiled tails like a pug, ears and body composition like a beagle. Ok, they're cute enough. I'm a sucker for themes and even more for animals that have people names so when for the first time after a half decade I learn these little dogs are called...wait for it...Rocky and Adrian as she's calling out to them, I have to admit the middle aged Italian/French couple got a bit more interesting. I haven't even seen the movies, don't think I would like the franchise based on the bloody fighting genre, but a good love story is always welcome, and so maybe I need to take a page out of their book and give the old boxing flick a go. Tim the tool man Taylor used to seek advice and solace from the Hi-dee-ho Wilson dude next door, and while I'm not about to attend the annual corn roast hosted by the folks we share a yard with, or dig deep with them over a fence on how to right the woe's of the world...they sure are better than having crusty street mates. And Rocky and Adrian? Clever! Not sure why I'm so fascinated by this. So; back to crusty. We've all had them, heard of them, some even try to screen via realtors; the nasty, nosy, from-hell neighbour! We live in a somewhat mature neighbourhood, are the 5th house in from the main road and of the first 9 on the block I would say about 5 or 6 of the homes still have the same original owners from the early 70's. Opposite side of Rocky & Adrian's parents my family and I had to endure quite a doozy. This man would complain, grunt, yell, was just miserable about everything! My sister bounced her basketball too loud or my parents had too much junk (ok, which is true). He never let up! If anything, he did happen to dispel the old saying that 'only the good die young' cause he kicked the bucket a decade ago or so, and his brother who lives 3 doors down is a kind and generous man who is one of those super-oldies who still golfs, takes care of his home, I think maybe even still has a career; and they would be octogenarians or somewhere close. "Ya, for my 80 year old neighbours"...that was a response I got from a friend of mine who had just come in from mowing his lawn and told me he was wearing a wifebeater but neglected to apply sunscreen to his shoulders and of course was now burnt. sad face. I told him that at least he was giving the married ladies in the hood a nice view while he was out there working hard. Guess he's only got oldies around him. Ok, back to bad neighbour stories. A good friend of mine recently sold her freehold townhouse in suburbia, on a family friendly street where she unfortunately had to share a driveway with a home stacked full on one side of her. Their lane way was not itsy bitsy, and while my friend had just a cute little sportscar and no other vehicles in the drive unless folks were visiting, her neighbours used and abused theirs. Six vehicles in a space designed for 2 is not cool, nor is using an albeit reluctantly but amazingly agreeable single girl next doors drive to jockey cars and swing into spots all the while not a single gesture to clear the snow every so often or offer a thanks for being so passive about it all. Let's not even go into the wall thumping gujarati music ho-downs that would emanate and drive her mad! Or the story a co-worker once told me of her sharing an apartment bedroom wall with a young man who was clearly a drug addict or dealer or what have you...always hearing him groaning, moaning, carrying on and disturbing the peace. Awkward when she finds out that months later he actually works with us too. Oy. Now this is not to say that we don't have good experiences as well. My mother still raves about her childhood friends in the tight Beaches area of the city that she grew up in, still sees some of them and is forever telling stories of yesteryear. I can remember having a few great summers with my best little friends, who between the 4 of us all lived within 15 or so houses in either direction from my place, our only concern was following the rule that I had to be home before the street lights turned on. Many folks have great long lasting relationships and build incredible friendships with their neighbours. I find it's also not unusual for families to buy houses in very close proximity either semi-detached, on the same street or within a couple over from each other. Their own space but close enough to have a sense of security and unity I suppose. It can't always be a pretty picture such as that painted on the Hollywood screen where the folks on light bright cul-de-sacs have block parties, street sales and meet at church every Sunday. But we can keep up with the Jones' when need be. I can even quickly recall 3 couples who I know have married their neighbours...whether they met at the loft board meeting, or because one's condo unit was burned badly by a fire and the gallant man upstairs came to the rescue, or because a woman and man living next door both found themselves widowed and thus in love again. All true stories. All sweet like a good wine. Wine; always a good offering to neighbours to keep the peace. Whatever the case may be, we take what we've moved in next to and make the best of it. Adriaaaaaaaan!!! Toodles


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