Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Slither and Dither

Is 'resolve' the root word of resolution? I hope so. Cause I certainly used it in that context recently. It's the cusp of a new year, flip the fresh page on the calendar and start your engines with a full tank of fuel to lead you. Gas smells bad. Give it some time, all those things you listed in the drunken stuper while watching the ball drop will likely fade and be forgotten in a couple weeks. Although I unintentionally am fairly unconventional in most regards, I have to admit that subconsciously there are some resolutions I've got listed in the back of my mind in this oh so lucky year of 2013. Everyone's topper of course is the weight loss attempt and fail. Check. I was kinda thinking today as I accumulated a puddle of sweat at my feet in our body combat class at the gym that maybe I could lose a pound a week for the year? That's about where I think I would be comfortable; another 50 or so down. But who are we kidding. I wanted McDonalds all day for the last 2 in succession, and right after the gym Fatty sailed on thru the golden arches and chowed down! Grilled chicken, ok...and didn't upsize the fries...but these are not acceptable really. I would like to eat less red meat. I don't think it's very good for you: but poultry is so dry, and fish is so smelly. Meh. Less diet coke is a lost cause. I love it like I love my opposable thumbs. Until my teeth start falling apart I don't think DC is going anywhere fast outta my daily repertoire: just so we're clear. I want to try and write more. Bit of a win here, as this is a good start, and I posted just a handful of days ago as well as having another in the works inside this pea brain of mine. Stay tuned; it's a doozy. I will not stop putting myself down. See DC reference. Making first contact is a problem for me. I want to try and start sending the first text, email or phone call. It's a part of my selfish nature I think. And that I should try and work on too, but again; no promises. The first step is recognizing you have a problem? Ok, let's go with that for now before I go all crazy with trying to dream up clever hello's and asking useless annoying questions via your electronic devices. De-cluttering has been on my mind. Less stuff makes sense. I ain't about to go all minimalist or nothin', but piles, boxes and drawers full of crap isn't necessary really. Gotta hunker down on that 20/80 rule of only wearing 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. I would like 80% of my closet back please. And they are tiny in this house! Performers in the subway, legit homeless folks or ones I can clearly see are down on their luck no longer deserve my ignorance or sorry's delivered from my glare high above and straight down my big pointy judgmental nose. I am going to carry change in my pocket and contribute to the open empty guitar cases, dry coffee cups and upside down brim held baseball caps. That Karma biznatch might be kept happy and overlook me later on for this I'm hoping. The irony, and completely nonsensical counter to this is that I am planning to aggressively tackle my debt this year. I have done extremely well so far by adding on $1K each month recently to my minimum payments. Bu-bye money. I eat out a lot. I have a lot of debt. Shut up. And no, I won't eat out less. I like it. My friends like it. We like to be served. Is Lent like New Year's resolutions? Kinda, right? I never stuck with whatever I had to give up for those 40 days of whatever it is either I'm pretty sure. Gawd we set a lot of expectations for ourselves, eh?!? I was gonna try and not post any self pics this year on FB. Can you imagine? Best we start with working on the inside and moving to the out. It's only a small matter of time before you see my mug and/or me making folks pose up with me. Scrap that one; I think. Resolve however we can and wish, start our little engines that could and get this 2013 year of the snake on a roll. Snake, that can't be good. Toodes


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