Thursday, April 18, 2013

Regrets are a waste of time…they're just the past crippling you in the present

All good things must come to an end. Or must they? Everything old is new again! The circle of life. I could keep going I’m pretty sure. The theory of reincarnation is very appealing to me as a personal belief where the afterlife is concerned. Just makes the inevitable a bit easier to come to terms with I think. When I come back however, am I reborn as a giraffe cause I’m so tall? Nah, I don’t wanna be running away from lions all the time. Or maybe I’m lucky enough to come back as a mosquito. Splat. Often times in our family when we have had a death there soon follows a new little bud on the proverbial tree. Maybe that’s how it works, it stays within? I need an expert to spell this out for me. But then this of course becomes the problem. None of us know what happens after the clock stops. Religion and faith seem to dictate a lot of what folks have as preconceived notions, but who came up with the thought that our souls drift somewhere, this heaven business, etc. They were certainly an influential being. I think Hindu’s believe in reincarnation. They seem a placid folk. From the limited that I have heard, it seems a low key and beautiful religion, but they worship the cow too much. Or are they vegetarians even, I think? I like my red meat, in my belly...but on a pedestal and me praying to it, umm, no. When people ooh and aww over babies or toddlers and say they have ‘an old soul’, is that an indication they’ve been here before? They’ve seen the world a round or two through the eyes of someone else before? Is this a chance to right wrongs, have a do-over to make attempts at milestones missed on the last go? A common expression that annoys me is those who claim to have and live with ‘no regrets’. Hogwash! To me, it’s a handy excuse to either be reckless, lazy or unaccountable. We all wish we made different decisions and actions at some point along our journey. Try as you may to live a perfect and complacent existent, you don’t fool me! The title of this entry although contradictory to what I just professed, was actually introduced to me in a movie script over the days recently during my putting this together. It’s a pleasant thought though I figured would be nice to share, true. I understand that each course has a different reaction thus to our actions and ‘things happen for a reason’ (another ism I’m not too fond of), but what if we do in fact get to circle past home and run another round of bases to see it all fresh again when this life has expired? One of my best friends and I sometimes get gabbing when things get tough about what it would be nice to come back as. She is convinced that coming back as Oprah’s dog would be perfect. I mean seriously, her pooches seem to have quite the luxurious little k-9 lives. I think I’ll put in a request to return as Oprah’s other dog. Woof. Toodles


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