Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dealing With Cupcakes

Ok, so you've all heard the quip 'Have their cake and eat it too'. Now this is not to confuse with Ms. Antoinette's 'Let them eat cake' or a favourite colloquialism to many folk 'Make your bed and lie in it'...which *spoiler alert* the latter actually could eventually round out this writings abstract topic fairly well. Like many of the observations that I deliver via my correspondence to you readers on here, this one's inspiration is much the same; a conversation, situation, conundrum etc. that my friends and I have discussed which then begs for me to question, dissect, or anonymously share. Entertainment guaranteed! So, back to eating cake. One of my close friends has a fairly hot and heavy but typically only exclusively 'sexting' relationship with a married man. This has been going on for some months, and they share a lot in common, as well as a lot in content. Little if anything is hidden as the letters that fly from one's little electronic device to the other's include completely open, honest, obviously explicit and candid details: it's cute. Turns out Married Man actually has 3 or 4 other individuals that he sees to meet his manly needs outside of that his wife provides. He calls them his Cupcakes. Now at first, and for a good long while I thought it was a clever spin on the 'Have his cake and eat it too' homage. I mean, well why not. If his wife knows or not, and if it can continue then why not get what's at home, and then also other options off property, huh? I gots no problem with it. Fast forward to a clarifying convo a few weeks later. Turns out this is actually not the analogy at all. The grounding for this titling system actually stems from the fact that at the nuptials, the wife is considered the grand tiered fondant clad pyramidal mountain baked good that is topped with the wee plastic figurines: the CAKE! And the playthings on the side, at a lesser consistency and volume, what have you: the Cupcakes! Eek. Albeit clever still. A usual part of most normal adult friendships include a certain amount of details and sharing of our natural instincts and thus effected actions. Platonic, locker room, barstool buddies, martini nights in, spa days...we're gonna talk about sex. My friends know I call my encounters 'Dealings'. We all know I have my own trademarked dictionary and annunciation alterations; deal with it. No pun intended. I don't think. There is of course a certain vulnerability when discussing most if not all intimate actions with a '3rd' party; namely my pals. Along with exposing each others experience there comes an awful lot of education as well. There are spins, tips and even locations that one or the other has never heard of. Voila, something new learned. Always. Part inspiration from a friend of mine who now unfortunately moved some 1500 km's or so away, and a little bit because I want to be able to remember decades from now that I once had a great time in my younger years, I have actually started another more illicit autobiographical dossier that I write and house in another forum. No, you will not get the web address; don't even bother asking, pestering or threatening my life and safety to access it. Nor will you see the handwritten drafts. Only my two closest and best friends who know me outside in, downside up have read my 'other' content. Likely nobody else that knows me personally ever will, with the exception of that friend so many area codes away who's own anonymous (almost) writings gave me the conviction and idea to start my own; but she'll have to wait and see it all on paper with my supervision in person only. They are VERY graphic, no chance taken. So what'll it be for y'all today? Red velvet, angel food, or maybe black forest perhaps? Enjoy every bite!
