Friday, September 27, 2013

You Pay for the Whole Seat, but You'll Only Need the Edge

In the first couple of weeks of August this year I made the conscious decision to take a wee hiatus from facebook. I wanted to discipline myself and take a break from the selfies, the check-ins, the sometimes nasty or humorous comments and quotes via status update that I picked up along the way in my little life. It went well. I then traveled to the west coast, shared a few pics and got back into the regular routine of social media advertising the 'Kevin-brand' if you will. Well, the couple week commercial went alright and so I decided that maybe I could take another longer break. Maybe almost a whole month? September. So I did. This time, for almost four weeks ne'er an update, check-in, upload, snarky/clever comment, tag etc left from my fingertips through my itsy bitsy ipodphone or sleek laptop to your eyes for your viewing or judging pleasure. I also committed to include no grindr as part of my break. Oh the irony. My cellular bill will appreciate the ease on the data usage. phew. While things may have slowed down somewhat on the screen of my mobile device, it sure didn't stop me from having a busy prologue to the dreaded autumn and inevitable winter that's going to wreak pale havoc on my coppertoned body and chilling permeable frost on my already broken joints. Oh tanning days, how I will miss you once again. I am fortunate to have a very disposable income, and the majority of my friends do as well, so we are able to keep up with enjoying and experiencing nice and new things out and about. However, I made an effort to reconnect with pots, pans and grocery stores. I cooked. In a kitchen. Sometimes not even my own. I even did a 3 day cleanse during this time. All apples, for 3 days. No joke. I survived. I tried to be a better son. No scrap that, that's impossible. I'm far too lazy and selfish to change my spoiled ways. I am me after all. But I never see my mother. So I made an extra effort to see and spend more time with mumsy whenever I could. Chatting with her before she's off to work, saying yes to a dinner out with her, a nice stroll in a city garden, an impromptu shopping trip to the mall and ending the month now with the trip I am taking her and my aunt on, out to see my cousin in Saskatchewan. Oh, and a family day @ Wonderland. I hadn't been in years. The good movie season is upon us, so throw in a few visits to the cineplex, a good ole fashioned hoot, holler and foot stomping time in the stands at the FC game watching those little soccer players run their fit little selves across the big lawn, and a half assed attempt at my own re-introduction to the gym and we have September. Come and gone like the tooth fairy. October is another month. Hold on tight my kids, ur about to see a whole lotta Kevin once again and I'm sure you can't wait!?! Just sitting on the edge in anticipation aren't ya? Toodles