Sunday, February 11, 2007

People Watching

I would think that most people like to do it. I mean, it's not what keeps me wanting to get up every morning, but it's an interesting 'hobby'! I used to sometimes sit in Thistle Hall when I was at Brock University between classes, watching people, listening to their conversations...I could report days and weeks later the going's on in their lives...oddly anonymously. An old friend of mine and I used to spend summer afternoons atop Church St. through the windows of a local joint and do the same thing, it was our purpose for being there in fact. I would like to think it's not to judge, but more observe. Another friend of mine and I recently caught ourselves sitting all comfy in the middle of Yorkdale mall 'watching', but I swear, it wasn't to judge...wink ;) Just the other night I was dining with good friends at The Baton Rouge...nicer restaurant...we ended up being there for a good 4 hours, and during that time we 'observed' the cutest little vignette. An elderly man, late 70's, early 80's came in, sat at a window table looking out at Yonge St. with his granddaughter, she's maybe 8 in her head to toe pink velour track suit and they have the most beautiful interaction. She spends the dinner time on the edge of her seat, fully involved in his conversation, his wisdom transcending into her curious little was astounding. It's all so fascinating, watching people...I highly recommend it.


Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lint Roller Thursday

It's the cutest story ever. My friend tells me today that her cat loves nothing more than their weekly Thursday session of getting herself 'rolled' by the lint picker-upper-apparatus-thinger. No, I'm not kidding you...I just about drove off the road. On her back, getting those loose strands of fur just gathered up by the roll of endless tape...priceless. Isn't it awesome how we all love our animals, spoil them rotten, give in to their every whim, no matter how odd. I remember how Shelby used to love howling with me, and catching snow balls or showing with pride how he could balance his rubber toy on just one bottom tooth. So precious. But really, a lint roller!?! This coming from the cat who is named after a drag queen in Midsummer Night's Dream or something...we call her Molly for short. Love it, Love the cat, Love Jenn! Don't cut me...I warned you this blog was in all likelihood coming!
