Friday, September 21, 2007

Simple Pleasures

Now these are different from 'Guilty' pleasures. One of mine would be the television show 'Thats So Raven' on Saturday's cute. Anyhoo, back to simple pleasures. I get a little flutter of happiness when I take the first sip of diet coke after a couple of hours without it, and when I wake up 3 hours before my alarm, check the time and smile knowing I can sleep that much longer. I rather enjoy seeing my name on an envelope in the mailbox and can't get enough when somebody says 'You know, we were talking about you the other day'. The smell of Calgon's Morning Glory and feeling a cool breeze on my skin on a sunny day is splendid. Getting into the lives' of characters in my latest book and wanting to get back to the story is definitely simple, but something I truly enjoy when I have the time...not having to make the time. My nephews constant smile, puppies who are forever inquisitive, short lines at the bank, soft cloth car washes, random sightings of monarch get the point. It's so easy to get caught up in what we think is so incredibly disastrous and unatainable it seems. Maybe I am just not easily stressed, and for good reason. I too am simple and take much for face value -- whether one wants to interpret that as not bright and a follower, well so be it. I have a really really easy life. Simple pleasures are small moments, they don't require a lot of concentration, they are generally unplanned, I like them and what they do for me day to day.


Sunday, September 09, 2007

Coming Home

Well my time is up. I have been just a day over 3 weeks here in Europe and what can I say, it has been quite the experience. Luckily I have kept a journal of sorts that I filled in each night before crashing so that if need be I can reference little details and reflections that I might otherwise forget. There was a lot to see, tons more for sure yet untouched, I got to experience and take advantage of many things I just wouldn't back in my little comfort zone, and of course some challanges along the way I had to work out. There is so much beauty encompassed by all the history on this side of the pond, and although I came with expectations that the lifestyles and people would be immensely different, I didn't really see that all too much. Sure, there were little things, but maybe just not on the grand scale I was told of or was waiting to see. I have realized that although I may still have some of my youth, it is nice to have more than 2 nights in one particular room or bed. I have found in myself that 2 weeks without seeing a familiar face or having my own space was trying, and not sure if I ever want to try that again. This very moment I am waiting in the lounge for my flight home and its really the only bit of time that I have had to jot down a message to share without trying to rush to the next venue, see the next jaw dropping vista and pretty much take it all in while I can. One rarely knows when the next time will be right? I am amazed that it has taken me to 27 to finally leave North America. Even more amazed that I am the only one in my immediate family who has done so. My nephew started to walk while I was away, I miss him. In Canada the only remotely similar city that has the same charm as many of these European ones is Quebec City. It's a 9 hour drive...9 hour flight/9 hour drive, all the same? I will miss that. In Great Britain, and while travelling with the Australians all I heard was the same language I speak but with a different accent, I will miss that. The city squares dosed with sunlight and chatter, do we have those in Toronto? I will miss that. I will have to look in the city and see if we have the same. Not much to say, I have taken close to 600 snapshots while here, we'll have to see how they turn out, and start planning the next adventure. Perhaps time for a little break. A vacation from vacationing?
