Sunday, September 09, 2007

Coming Home

Well my time is up. I have been just a day over 3 weeks here in Europe and what can I say, it has been quite the experience. Luckily I have kept a journal of sorts that I filled in each night before crashing so that if need be I can reference little details and reflections that I might otherwise forget. There was a lot to see, tons more for sure yet untouched, I got to experience and take advantage of many things I just wouldn't back in my little comfort zone, and of course some challanges along the way I had to work out. There is so much beauty encompassed by all the history on this side of the pond, and although I came with expectations that the lifestyles and people would be immensely different, I didn't really see that all too much. Sure, there were little things, but maybe just not on the grand scale I was told of or was waiting to see. I have realized that although I may still have some of my youth, it is nice to have more than 2 nights in one particular room or bed. I have found in myself that 2 weeks without seeing a familiar face or having my own space was trying, and not sure if I ever want to try that again. This very moment I am waiting in the lounge for my flight home and its really the only bit of time that I have had to jot down a message to share without trying to rush to the next venue, see the next jaw dropping vista and pretty much take it all in while I can. One rarely knows when the next time will be right? I am amazed that it has taken me to 27 to finally leave North America. Even more amazed that I am the only one in my immediate family who has done so. My nephew started to walk while I was away, I miss him. In Canada the only remotely similar city that has the same charm as many of these European ones is Quebec City. It's a 9 hour drive...9 hour flight/9 hour drive, all the same? I will miss that. In Great Britain, and while travelling with the Australians all I heard was the same language I speak but with a different accent, I will miss that. The city squares dosed with sunlight and chatter, do we have those in Toronto? I will miss that. I will have to look in the city and see if we have the same. Not much to say, I have taken close to 600 snapshots while here, we'll have to see how they turn out, and start planning the next adventure. Perhaps time for a little break. A vacation from vacationing?



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