Monday, March 26, 2007

Oldies but Goodies

There is something about geriatrics. Sure, they may smell a wee bit, and maybe they can be cheap and set in their ways...but hey, I have a soft spot for them. Get this, Friday evening I have left the gym, tired and broken and staring at the daunting task of walking down 2 flights of concrete stairs in my ever so soft crocs to the underground parking...when all of a sudden, a man, and I am not even kidding you, had to be late 70's at least, so a very old man, comes trotting up the stairs TWO at a time as if he was an annoying teenager with all the energy in the world and lickety split he is thru the door and ready for his workout. I just about died. I have worked a short day, still have to meet friends for dinner, feel like I have just been beaten with a large stick all over my body, and am yet to be 27...but this old dude is trucking right along. Unbelievable. I worked for a long time talking to the public via call centres and always loved it when an elderly person would feel no ways in correcting me that they indeed DID have internet access and knew fully how to use all the contraptions. It always made me feel good. In the same way that I like to hear stories of spry old peeps, sharp as a whip, livin' it up in their 90's, taking care of their own homes and travelling the world. I know it's a lot to do with good genes, and what you make of it, I suppose it makes me wonder if maybe I can actually live past 35...or if one day I may even have a career working with older generations. Who knows. Wisdom is a strong word, and more than just with time, I think it comes with true experience and reflection. I rarely find it difficult to hear about the passing of someone who is very old, I am more one of those annoying thinkers that 'they lived a good long life'...but it's true. I respect old people. I don't think that they are entitled just because of their age as the last thing I want to see or hear is grumpy old Edna or Harold telling off every person within earshot where to go or what to do. Nor do I want to devote my life to looking after aging parents or see anyone suffer because they are too old to work or for their bodies to work for them. There is a lot to learn, I guess that's just how I see it. And they are just so darn cute. That's all.



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