Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sick Is Me

So I'm a little sick right now. It's nothing out of the ordinary, as far as I can tell just another cold. Probably something to do with the fact that the season has changed, I started wearing crocs way too early this year, and I will share a straw or whatever else with anyone far too easily. When I'm sick I will often have these super corny 'reflective' moments where I say to myself, 'when you are better you are going to never take for granted ever again that when you are well it's always going to be that way'. Then the sore throut goes away, the taste of food comes back, the nose is no longer raw and air passes freely through both nostrils...and my pep talk gets forgotten. Oh well, I supposed it could be worse. Now don't let it fool you, I still eat...McDonalds in large quanitities...because psychologically I know it's comfort food and that's what I like, but heck I could eat asparagus and brocolli all day, with boiled tofu accomponied by some disgusting healthy smoothie of sorts...but I don't. When I'm sick I rarely want sympathy, nor do I need you to tell me I look like crap or for you to ask me if I'm sick when you can clearly see the literal paper trail of kleenex tissues and all of my V's sound like B's. Don't tell me your ancient remedy to make it better, make it for me dammit and bring it to I look like I have the energy to do it myself? I sometimes say I wouldn't mind having a little tape worm or something...not permanently damaging, just here for a little while, it takes what it wants and them moves on. Kinda shaves some meat off me like those rotating gyros things...hmmm...okay can't taste quite just yet, but I guess I know where I'm going pronto when we're thru with this little episode.



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