Saturday, October 20, 2007

Life Thereafter

I think about death a lot. Morbid as y'all might think that may be, I guess it's part of my getting prepared. Who knows when time's up this time around for me. Being born and raised catholic, I am not certain, however am pretty sure that Reincarnation is a belief or idealism that is frowned upon. It makes me feel comfortable to think that I will get another chance to come back and try it all again. But will I come back as a mosquito and then luck of the draw something like 1 in 10 times get a longer straw and possibly come back as human, or even a spoiled domesticated yorkshire terrier or show cat? In conversation along the way that I have had with friends and such it comes up a lot that ironically whenever there is a death in the family, there is almost always a birth shortly thereafter...coincidence? Something to think about. I rather enjoy having that wind-taken-out-of-me goose-bump-moment we call deja vu, is it a flashback to a possible past life? Rather than being judged as being closed minded to singular scientific fact or religious beliefs, I would like to think that my thoughts and reflections on this very possible and undeniably positive ideal would be considered open minded and/or free willing. I will have used and abused this body--what with all the diet coke and Mcdonalds ingested, so I don't mind opening up the all-you-can-eat-buffet to the underground vermin once it's expired... however my soul might move on, it might see daylight again to smile, love, see and learn new things. Whatever happens, I still just simply think it makes death easier to process whenever it comes a knockin'.


Sunday, October 14, 2007


I am going to try really hard to not be negative here. However, I have been a wee bit annoyed in the last few days when I have had not 1, but FOUR of my friends cancel on me for nights out because they just don't think beyond their routine. It amazes me when people get into such a monotonous cycle of daily living that it becomes beyond comfortable and such, stops them from enjoying something new, something fun and spontaneous, and heck...I'm a hoot (I think) they are depriving themselves of time with ME! Okay, maybe they are trying to tell me something? Maybe I'm not the cats ass? Whatever. I kinda like shift work, cause it means my days are always different one after the other. I like to order from the seasonal menu at restaurants, cause I am trying out something new, perhaps foreign to my palate...but different. I would rather say yes to last minute plans late at night, and risk losing a few hours of sleep cause it means I am enjoying life beyond boring slumber. I like to take new routes home in case I might see something new and interesting along the way. I will admit, I've got a shorter than normal attention span, and a pretty bad memory, I even proudly refer to myself as being selfish...but God almighty, please don't cancel plans over something that can be solved by thinking just a teency weency bit outside the box, or possibloy straying from something that may be just slightly different from what you likely are sick and tired of doing over and over with your eyes closed anyhow! That's my piece.
