Saturday, October 20, 2007

Life Thereafter

I think about death a lot. Morbid as y'all might think that may be, I guess it's part of my getting prepared. Who knows when time's up this time around for me. Being born and raised catholic, I am not certain, however am pretty sure that Reincarnation is a belief or idealism that is frowned upon. It makes me feel comfortable to think that I will get another chance to come back and try it all again. But will I come back as a mosquito and then luck of the draw something like 1 in 10 times get a longer straw and possibly come back as human, or even a spoiled domesticated yorkshire terrier or show cat? In conversation along the way that I have had with friends and such it comes up a lot that ironically whenever there is a death in the family, there is almost always a birth shortly thereafter...coincidence? Something to think about. I rather enjoy having that wind-taken-out-of-me goose-bump-moment we call deja vu, is it a flashback to a possible past life? Rather than being judged as being closed minded to singular scientific fact or religious beliefs, I would like to think that my thoughts and reflections on this very possible and undeniably positive ideal would be considered open minded and/or free willing. I will have used and abused this body--what with all the diet coke and Mcdonalds ingested, so I don't mind opening up the all-you-can-eat-buffet to the underground vermin once it's expired... however my soul might move on, it might see daylight again to smile, love, see and learn new things. Whatever happens, I still just simply think it makes death easier to process whenever it comes a knockin'.



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