Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fish Tales

A few days ago I heard a piece on the radio about news that certain colours of blue and red dye in M& M's was preventing or curing, stopping, reversing...cancer in trout. Yes, you heard me type that correctly, TROUT. I done nearly slipped out of my truck seat, under the steering wheel and tail bone flat on the brake petal. I was flabbergasted. Who is coming up with this concept, spending however many oodles of dollars to find these things out? And furthermore, who cares? I didn't have any intention of making this little entry about animal testing, and it won't end up there, cause frankly I don't have the research to back up whether or not it's helpful. But seriously, unless we genuinely are interested in saving the lives of an overabundance of mundane fish species by having them snack on the 'melt in your mouth, not in your hand' variety of chocolate vice, can we really appreciate any factoids from these rediculous findings when we clearly have a genetic make-up absolutely nothing like trout? Okay, maybe I'm a bit too passionate about this. I'll stop. I am however proud of myself for having all but saved the lives of a little mallard duck and her clan of 8 or so ducklings by doing my best traffic control work one of these past mornings during rush hour. They all made it to the park safe and sound, it was a good way to start the day. But back to the time and money spent supporting the salaries of well paid scientists to test whether or not candy dye will cure cancer in fish. It may be an old, weak and tired argument, but couldn't that money have been spent so much wiser elsewhere? Just last week a friend broached the subject that she was certain massive natural destruction like that of late occuring in Burma and China are God's way of giving parts of the world some breathing room. It's an odd little theory I suppose. I really would like to see the cancerous-fish-saving-by-blue/read dye-testers of the world devote some of their time and resources to a useful and worthy cause. Maybe? Asia needs some help.



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