Monday, March 17, 2008

Philistine Prophecies

I learned a new word today. It's philistine. With a ph. Never heard of it in my life. In fact, my first thought was that it had some connection to philosphy, but alas, nope. I'm not very good with big words. From memory only, way back when I was a pre-teen and had a super duper smart best friend, I knew that the longest word in the dictionary was antidisestablishmentarianism. I think it means something like not wanting to go to war. Who knows. I currently have another super duper smart friend that even knows the official word for those stain resistant over-the-couch-arm-thingers. Help me out here Nan. As for the title of my little note du jour, I thought of a poster that my longest friend Stephanie had hung in her room for ages. Might still have, it's a big ole' creeply looking tree with the book title Celestine Prophecies staring down at you. Interesting I thought. Anyhoo, back to my conclusion. I truly think that philistine describes me. Perhaps not fully, but certainly partial. It's meaning is along the lines of not being adept to learning anything new, being particularly interested in culture or what have you. In my eyes, being equal to having no passion. I'm such a 'coaster' (not a drink holder), I am boring, I do nothing exciting or vastly risk-taking, nothing even remotely mildly amusing to converse about. I'm giving myself a complex. I don't even know the correct definition of that word, I should carry a Webster's in my murse. So, that's that I've decided. A new word today to add the the repertoire of Kevin. Y'all should have seen my brain spin the day someone told me I was facetious. Had to run back to my dorm room and figure that one out.



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