Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just Between You and I

Have sweeter words ever been spoken? How about 'This cannot leave these four walls'. Another personal favourite, 'You can't tell anyone'. Then there are of course the flirty little tidbits like 'Did you hear?', 'You are never going to believe this', and one of my ultimate quiver of the lip moments 'If you repeat this, I am going to be in so much shit'. We all know it, I"m a gossip whore, I am an expert at listening in, taking it all and storing it in that quadrant of my brain that is fairly useless, has it's own rolodex of index cards capturing and filing in order of Juiciness, Date Sensitive, Personally Detrimental, Judgemental and of course, how can we forget, To Be Used as Revenge. On the most part I have done well with getting away with having it all in memory, letting little slip out and if so, it's harmless and turns out to be a horrid bore to most involved. I guess I have a certain smile or laid back esthetic about myself that allows people to open up, and trust me. It's true, I am pretty darn loyal. Don't cross me though, y'all know I don't forgive. I am however humane, have boundaries set at Kevin pace, and seriously, who doesn't like to know naughty little snipits about the people around you, friend or foe. If we dig deep to the reason one thrives on gossip, someone who might have spent oodles of cash and years studying psychological thinking might say that it makes us happier to see others suffering, sad, or in turmoil. I am not saying that it's untrue. Humans love to talk about others, we know when to detract attention from ourselves, and we are experts at saying we will, but damn well know we won't keep a secret. Working in a call centre environment, being raised in a religous household and coming from a familiy where active women well outnumber the men I can likely say this has been a wee bit of a potion suitable for a path that has ultimately led me to where I am now in regards to this subject. It's not a potent dash, however one just slight enough to make me thrive for the next whisper of 'You have to pinky swear this stays between us'!



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