Thursday, February 28, 2008

City Mouse Country Mouse

Just another facet of my pending bi-polarness I am certain. On the most part I see myself living in the solitude, peace and quiet of a surrounding ample with close growing 100 year old trees, whispering in the breeze and the every so often murmur of a little creature among them. An evening without constant emergency vehicle sirens, trains passing in the night and testosterone filled street racers would be quite welcome. There's a certain whimsy about driving past a road sign that says Population ~ 1100 and then sailing through their one Main St., but then the scariness of ALWAYS knowing your grocery clerk, your banker, or even your gas bar attendant and gawd forbid them knowing you and all of your business. It's so 'small town', but can it really be all that bad? I have lived all of my 27 (almost 28 ick) years in the largest metropolis in Canada, and what does this mean? I have never seen a full night of stars from my driveway, ever! In order to get that, it had to be from my 'summer home' about an hour and a half outside of the city; where we hear the afforementioned whisper of trees in the evening breeze. Every so often however I have an urge to consider myself a city boy. I think about living 30 floors above ground level, having the bustling sidewalks just a short mechanical ride away, dodging conversations and yuppies with coffee in one hand, newspaper in the other: however I am pretty sure that would get old and annoying much faster than what my possibly quiet country life could behold. My thought for today as I watch what could possibly come next in this rather uninspiring mundane life of mine.



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