Thursday, January 10, 2008

Celebrity vs. Causes

It amazes me in many ways the length to which we are so engrossed in celebrity...what they are doing, who with, how naughty or sad and Gawd forebid how they looked. I am sure more people know the first and middle names of Britney's sons than do about the slightest details of Global Warming or their own town's inner city crises. Furthermore, most would rather buy and spend hours reading the latest issues of US or Star, whatever the list of gossip magazines exist, than would even dream of spending an ounce of time or money understanding the impact that possibly them or their neighbours are having on the surface so obliviously around them. Sadly I don't know the first thing about what is happening in Darfur other than the fact that George Clooney is trying to help the peeps out...that's great media. I know very little about Global Warming, but I can assure you that I know Al Gore is a crusador, and that Leo DiCaprio drives a car ran by vegetable oil. If only to name-drop, I think this is pretty positive press on their part. However, I couldn't care less that Jennifer Love Hewitt has cellulite, trying to first strain my eyes to confirm if JLO is preggo and now...if she is carrying 1 or 2. However, this is what it seems is almost ingrained due to subliminal messages into my mind on the spare chance I get to watch some television. I still don't know what's happening in Darfur though, how many people are being machined down in the Middle East, or the exact effect that one's leaving their computer running 24/7 has on the decreasing lifespan of Earth. I do quite enjoy the centrefold section of those magazines that show celebrities doing normal stuff like grocery shopping, yet can't part with my money or extra time to learn a little about possibly making a difference to the world's matters around me...Oh the dilemma.



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