Wednesday, January 02, 2008

What's in a Number?

Eighteen for as long as I can remember has been my favourite number. Not sure why, maybe I could relate because it was neither masculine nor feminine to any extreme, but whatever...that's another note. Seriously though, did anybody else assign genders to letters of the alphabet or numbers? I used to, again...another note. 18 has not brought me any luck, it has not been any inspiration in decision making along my path in life, and I am not about to get it plastered on my license plate or anything. Numerology is probably a word. I should look it up. I can probably assume it is all about planet and moon alignment, tree-hugging-esque 'meant to be' scenario's and although I find the thought of all that as whimsically devine, I am not quite advanced enough in my spiritual being or the world outside of my little bubble to explore all of the facets. One day maybe, one day. I enjoy that one of my friends gets immense pleasure when seeing 11:11 on a clock (you know who you are, and know that I love it). I am amazed that lucky numbers are listed on fortune cookies, but that psychics aren't all millionaire lottery winners who dish out numbers freely over the crystal ball. One of my pet peeves is when one says 'I gave it 110%' is that possible? Is there really anything above 100% in the genre of, shall we say...archery competitions or volunteering your time to a local charity? It's interesting, and as far as I am concerned, too often used, and never in the right context. I digress. Two very good friends who have 2 had both of hers on the 12th of the month, the other had both of hers on the 16th, is it just coincidence? Will this now be their 'special' number for the remainder of their lives? All these people rushing out this summer to get married on 07/07/07...are they doomed? Should they buy property in Vegas? I just think it's all very interesting. Alas, this is the first day of the new year, we've made it through the transition from 07 to 08, this will be a good year for some, better than the last, and maybe a crappy one. Is Two Zero Zero Eight your number or not?



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