Monday, March 12, 2007

Never Following Through

Call them empty promises to myself, call it quitting when the going gets tough, call it boredom. They all mean the same thing to me. I am a hardcore, true and fast quitter. Unless it's specific to my obligations as an employee, I rarely finish anything I start. It has always been the way. I can't even committ myself to a simple little blog that I told myself was going to be a mainstay in my routine starting around Christmas passed. What I CAN do is continue to eat McDonalds...oh yah, that was the Kevin wanting to stop eating it...did he stick with it, of course not! Had it both days this weekend, bleh. And don't get it twisted, that was not an 'it was disgusting and made me feel physically ill' kinda bleh (cause it was as always, sinfully delicious), it was a 'chuh, there I go failing again and hating on my sorry little sad self' kinda bleh. Once long ago I started guitar lessons...quit. Last year I started out well at the gym and eating well...plateauing. One year at University, one semester at college...didn't re-enroll. I can't even seem to get finished my photo albums so 5 vacations still piled on the worktable. To top it all off, I am a procrastinator, far too laid back to be motivated, and don't have any real goals in life. Whatever am I giong to do? Be like Lopez, Freeman and Redford...act in An 'Unfinished Life'? It's my new mantra.



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