Saturday, December 01, 2007


Generally to me they come in forms of natural anomolies, most of the time explainable, however trivial. I have forever been fascinated with multiple births. Four years before me, 2 years after my older sister was born my parents lost twin girls, who were born alive, but unfortunately didn't get a chance at real life. My mother in her ultimate graciousness always told me that if not for that tragedy, I would not be here today. I don't know if it's that, or otherwise, but nonetheless the attraction remains. I can remember reading a biography on the Dionne Quintuplets when I was a pre-teen, I quiz to no end anyone that I know with twins, or who is one themselves, I think I even wrote a couple of high school papers on the subject. With the introduction and onset higher popularity of assisted pregancies it is of course becoming less rare, but still I am drawn to the idea...I even sometimes think if I was guaranteed twins or triplets I would consider raising children of my own. Crazy eh? I think the newest statistic is that close to 1 in 7 people are left handed. Well guess what, I have always been a little curious with the whole thing. Not to mention most lefties that I know are either really smart or artsy, even's the fact that so many things are catered to us, the 6/7 majority of the world, and the fact that 'south paws' write so...different...shall we say? Yes, I am also fascinated with handwriting. We all know what mine is like. I've begun to explore personalities, mainly those attached to the people that I surround myself most with, and well, we will see a note slash blog on that soon I's all a little, guess what...FASCINATING as far as I cam concerned. Hopefully it will come out soon, can't believe I didn't write anything in November, now that's not fascinating, it's deplorable.



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