Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Bright Eyed or Night Hawk?

On the most part I would like to think that I'm a 'morning person'. I have to admit, I do think there is a better sense of satisfaction watching the sun creep up over the hills, hearing the birds chirp out of their slumber and staring at the fresh dew on the morning grass on those peaceful summer mornings than what nightfall brings. Alright, so I like the quiet of the pitch dark night, after most have tucked in to start again their next day, the streetlights and their somehow bringing a sense of 'newness', or even slight danger to the world surrounding. But on the most part I feel I am more productive with the inspiration that morning brings, especially on those days when you are up and at it before everyone else, it has that sense of calm, and accomplishment when you know you've gotten to something first. Most 'night owls' that I have known are on the most part not very organized or very ambitious with seeing goals to the finish. Whilst the early risers I find although may not be quite as free and fanciful, are definitely more successful and well grounded. Listen, just because I think I might sway more towards being a 'morning person' does not in any way mean that I think I am one way or the other. We all know I am a selfish free-loader who has absolutely no willpower, motivation or finishes anything he starts. Like most things in my life, I can be pretty contradictory and bi-polar if you will when it comes to this thought...boy likes his sleep, but darnit, I like a productive morning to mysel every once in a while too. Oh the dilemma's in life eh?



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