Wednesday, March 14, 2007

One Big Contradiction

Recently I have noticed a wee bit of a trend within myself. Why is it that I am so adamant about something, yet almost always find an 'exception to the rule' within my own belief. These are generally trivial, but seem to me so incredibly contradictory that I may be just making myself go a little loco. Let me explain. You may or may not know this but...I absolutely detest driving. I hate it. My car, albeit pretty and roomy, is just what keeps me off the bus. Why is it that I get so irritated when drivers don't stop and pull over for emergency vehicles, yet I hardly ever signal when I change lanes on the largest highway in North America practically everyday. Am I not just as much a hazard? I don't like children, anything about them, yet when it's one that I know...I usually love them to pieces. Perhaps that's not too strange, but I think it's a tad creepy up inside my brain. I don't like bugs, few do I am sure...but I can't kill a spider...mosquito sure, house fly, I will squash it's guts, but a spider, nope, can't do it. I love animals more than anything on Earth, but I wear leather shoes and belts and eat meat daily. I am likely one of THE most blunt people I know, and am known for it, but yet I keep much about me to myself. I don't particulary like tomatoes, huge fan of ketchup - hate wearing shoes, like having many pairs - like getting compliments, horrid at just accepting them graciously. Erk, I could go on. I think too much. Must stop now before I send myself into an abyss of self destruction and realize I really just might not be a 'fantastic human being' that I always profess. Oh Dear.



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