Monday, December 24, 2007

Benefit of the Doubt

Someone wanted me to give this to them in the last few weeks. I got to there really any good thing in Doubt? Benefit equals good thing. How can there be anything positive in Doubt?!? Seriously. I think a lot of us use these phrases as fillers when we don't know what to say at all, or can't come up with an original thought. We are almost all for the most part at some time or another I am certain, victims of this. Awfully Good...does that make ANY sense to you? Doesn't to me. Could we not come up with something a little more appropriate when trying to adject-ify something we taste, see, experience as good than awful? Is awfully even an adjective in that term/phrase/useless and senseless whatever it is? I was never great at can probably pick that up in my notes. LOVE/HATE...some would argue, pretty darn powerful words. Lately I have tried to stop using the word love to profess my feelings towards certain things. It's silly really. Do I really love Toni Colette, or McDonalds or my pillow. No, I enjoy them immensely, like them, bleh whatever, you get the point. I love my sister, mother and nephew...little more, this should be reserved for them. When I was younger I used to use the word hate for a lot of people. My mother forever wanted me to stop. On the most part I have done quite well to curb my usage of the word, rarely is it true or appropriate. When someone inevitably almost daily asks me 'How are you'...I seldom say 'Good, and You?' like the general population...most often I respond with something more like 'Great Thanks' and don't ask back. It throws people, they stare at me or stumble and smile, moving on. It's a filler, they couldn't come up with something else original? Maybe I do it sometimes too, but I don't want to; nor am I obviously consciously aware of my pet peeves at that particular time - bad Kevin. On that note, talk soon. Not Merry Christmas...cause that's what everyone else says this time of year cause they don't know what else to say.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Bright Eyed or Night Hawk?

On the most part I would like to think that I'm a 'morning person'. I have to admit, I do think there is a better sense of satisfaction watching the sun creep up over the hills, hearing the birds chirp out of their slumber and staring at the fresh dew on the morning grass on those peaceful summer mornings than what nightfall brings. Alright, so I like the quiet of the pitch dark night, after most have tucked in to start again their next day, the streetlights and their somehow bringing a sense of 'newness', or even slight danger to the world surrounding. But on the most part I feel I am more productive with the inspiration that morning brings, especially on those days when you are up and at it before everyone else, it has that sense of calm, and accomplishment when you know you've gotten to something first. Most 'night owls' that I have known are on the most part not very organized or very ambitious with seeing goals to the finish. Whilst the early risers I find although may not be quite as free and fanciful, are definitely more successful and well grounded. Listen, just because I think I might sway more towards being a 'morning person' does not in any way mean that I think I am one way or the other. We all know I am a selfish free-loader who has absolutely no willpower, motivation or finishes anything he starts. Like most things in my life, I can be pretty contradictory and bi-polar if you will when it comes to this thought...boy likes his sleep, but darnit, I like a productive morning to mysel every once in a while too. Oh the dilemma's in life eh?


Monday, December 03, 2007

Smiles - $Free

I just finished watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. When the family was exploring their brand new house, new and clean, overjoyed with excitement and nothng but thankful eyes I noticed I had a great big smile on my face. I was alone, laying on my bed and smiling. I don't know about you, but I remember teeth...and for the most part I see them when people smile. I even remember when someone has a beatiful one, and often point it out, or capture it and keep it stocked in memory. I listen to Cheezy Rock on the radio, and a couple of weeks ago during their 'Intelligence for Your Life' segment it was suggested that when stressed, or scared (driving during a snowstorm for example) the simple act of smiling will decrease your anxiety, etc...and by golly, when I am driving or in a kafuffle, feeling a little blah, whatever, wouldn't you works! Truth be told, when I used to see the bottom of a McDonals menu when it said 'Smiles - Free'...I always thought they called their free toys Smiles...I not smart...and maybe that's besides the point, but guess what, thinking of my naivety makes me smile. I tell people the story of my Mum who always smiles at people on the city bus, yes the TTC in Scarboro...she's taking her life in her hands, but you know, she just might be giving the right person a nicer quickstart to the day, or make them feel a little better about themselves, odd I know, and Gawd Love her, but the woman has a perma-grin. She's a great woman. Bottom line, we need a bit more up-turn than down in our facial expressions if we are going to be a happy healthier set of people. My current thought right now anyways.


Saturday, December 01, 2007


Generally to me they come in forms of natural anomolies, most of the time explainable, however trivial. I have forever been fascinated with multiple births. Four years before me, 2 years after my older sister was born my parents lost twin girls, who were born alive, but unfortunately didn't get a chance at real life. My mother in her ultimate graciousness always told me that if not for that tragedy, I would not be here today. I don't know if it's that, or otherwise, but nonetheless the attraction remains. I can remember reading a biography on the Dionne Quintuplets when I was a pre-teen, I quiz to no end anyone that I know with twins, or who is one themselves, I think I even wrote a couple of high school papers on the subject. With the introduction and onset higher popularity of assisted pregancies it is of course becoming less rare, but still I am drawn to the idea...I even sometimes think if I was guaranteed twins or triplets I would consider raising children of my own. Crazy eh? I think the newest statistic is that close to 1 in 7 people are left handed. Well guess what, I have always been a little curious with the whole thing. Not to mention most lefties that I know are either really smart or artsy, even's the fact that so many things are catered to us, the 6/7 majority of the world, and the fact that 'south paws' write so...different...shall we say? Yes, I am also fascinated with handwriting. We all know what mine is like. I've begun to explore personalities, mainly those attached to the people that I surround myself most with, and well, we will see a note slash blog on that soon I's all a little, guess what...FASCINATING as far as I cam concerned. Hopefully it will come out soon, can't believe I didn't write anything in November, now that's not fascinating, it's deplorable.
